You make the decision you’ve been putting off for some considerable time, you instinctively decide what is right for yourself and your family and more likely than not make the correct choice. You may decide to start out in a direction that fundamentally changes your life, a definite decision to leave the things behind that no longer serve your purpose.
Second Decanate January 1st to January 10 SensibleThe commitment and cooperation you show leads to new ideas that bring you a step closer to your goal. The sensible way you apply your talents demonstrates the very best of your capabilities. Use this opportunity to create something valuable, to develop a meaningful plan. You make worthwhile improvements you are enthusiastic about, which you appreciate and value.
Third Decanate January 11 to Jaunary 20 Discover pastures newYou’re not making the headway you think you ought to be making, feeling confined you want to make some changes to your life. You need to put the new ideas and plans you have into action. Don't delay any longer, if you share your thoughts and ideas with those closest to you; you’re able to rely on their steadfast support for the future.